Church History

Living Water Fellowship all began with a very small group of believers seeking God for all He had planned for them.  It's humble beginning had it's roots in deep prayer meetings with individuals hungry for God and His Word and by April of 2002 a church was birthed and started to have services in Terry & Tifany's garage on their ranch north of Bird City, Kansas. Seven people were there that first service, and since then it has grown into a Ministry that has reached people all over this Tri-State area the United States and several nations of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.  In December 2007 the church moved into a new property in downtown Bird City, KS for the Glory of God! People come from various cities and states each week, and over the years we have seen God bring folks from other countries and nations of the world even to little Bird City!

Throughout the years we have seen many, many lives come to CHRIST and be Saved here in this place. In fact, some folks have been sent out from here into other ministries and missions in other nations of the world. We are a non denominational Full Gospel Church that puts God's Word (The BIBLE) first in all that we do and believes in the Power of the Holy Spirit to change lives. It is truly a Bible believing Church that the Lord Jesus Christ has raised up in these last days that we are living in, and to Him we give all the Glory, and the Honor, and Praise.

We are born-again Christians that seek the Lord and take our walk with Him serious, and desire to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God. We as a church will continue to be a place that people throughout the years have come and received a drink of Living Water and have never been the same!

“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water".  John 7:37,38